Family Gateway

Brush 365
April 19, 2023
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MW Photography
July 15, 2024
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MW Photography
July 15, 2024
Brush 365
April 19, 2023
  • TaskGoogle Ads Campaigns

About Family Gateway

Family Gateway is a nonprofit organization serving Dallas and Collin Counties in Texas. It was founded by Mayor Pro-Tem Annette G. Strauss in 1986. They provide support services to families with children experiencing or near homelessness in Dallas and Collin Counties in Texas.


When we started the project in Aug 2022, Family Gateway was struggling with their Google Ads Campaigns. Only a handful of campaigns were running and none of them were optimized, suffering low exposure and clicks.

GoogleAds-Family Gateway - Aug 2022

Before: Our client’s ad campaigns experienced low click-through rates and impressions across their ad campaigns. They needed help optimizing their ads to increase exposure and effectiveness.


After the initial assessment, we had multiple meetings with their marketing staff.

We came up with a marketing strategy. These were the action items:

  • Clean up existing campaigns. This included optimizing the campaign settings, new keywords and doing A/B testing on the actual Google Ads
  • Set up new campaigns. The areas we focused included:
    1. North Texas Giving Day
    2. Expand the campaign on Programs
    3. Hope for Holidays
  • Routine Meetings. We regularly shared knowledge on best practices.
  • Set and achieve goals. We achieved a goal of 10,000 views at 300 conversions per month.


After: Total clicks and impressions increased dramatically.


The major focus of the Google Ads project ended in April 2023. We were able to:

  • Increase the keywords from one to hundred
  • Boost the campaign from one working ad to several ad campaigns
  • Drop the average CPC cost per click from $2000 to only five dollars a click
  • Massively increase the CTR from .001% to 30% in a matter of months.