How to Jazz up your eBay Listing and get more HITS? - Video Training

In this Video Training series, we show you how to spice up your eBay listing and get more Hits by utilizing different techniques. Detailed information on the Video Training Lessons is listed below. We have also included FREE video samples from this series so you can review the product.

Part I - Improve the eBay Item Description Layout: Create some excitement in your eBay listing by avoiding plain text and trying some formatting effects. Add different font styles, colors schemes and use Headings and Titles. Inserting images or pictures can also jazz up the auction description. You can try using Microsoft Word 2007 or an HTML editor to help you with this effort. You can also add a table including prior customer feedback, this trick definitely helps us sell video training software as prospects can easily view the ratings. Finally another technique is to use hyperlinks from your listing to your website to drive traffic and potential customers. P

Part II - What's in the eBay Title? Everything! Title on your eBay item has all the necessary keywords that bidders use to search for similar items. Let's say you are a shop in a Mall, then Title is what gets the customers inside your shop. Description is what keeps them in the store and we covered how to Jazz up the description in Part I. How do you find the best Title for your item? Three ways: 1.   Research online using search engines like Google and Yahoo 2.   Explore similar items within eBay 3.   Use Free tools like BayEstimator from eBay Research Labs

Part III - Optimize the listing for Search Engines: So far we have focused on the users or bidders when it comes to eBay listing. In this video training, we are going to switch gears and pay attention to Search Engines instead. The idea is to get your eBay listing coverage outside of eBay. How do we do that? We will use some SEO (Search Engine Optimization) techniques to achieve this. One popular option is to use HTML tags that cater specifically to Robots and Crawlers especially Title, Meta Description and Meta Keyword tags.

Part IV - Other SEO Techniques: In the final video tutorial, we continuing our discussion from last lesson. One idea is to repeat portions of your eBay listing title in your item description. Make sure you also include important keywords in your listing text. Another technique is to add a lot of related terms in your description, maybe in a small font size with a color that matches the background. Finally you can add related high quality external links to boost your SEO ranking, get more traffic resulting in more Cash! FREE Sample Videos: Sample 1 Sample 2 On YouTube: