How can Social Media help your SEO Ranking?

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How can Social Media help your SEO Ranking?

Social media plays a large role in its outreach with companies to get their content to a larger audience. This leads to traits that improve SEO, these can include backlinks, and better engagement indicators.  Understanding SEO and Social Media marketing helps companies perform more effectively on both of these channels.  Targeted audience research on Social Media platforms can help you narrow your targeted content.  SEO Research can help us understand the reader’s objective.  

Social SEO 

Use social media as an indirect tool to increase your search visibility and organic search ranking.  Social Media will not impact your SEO ranking but the social signals such as likes, shares, and comments written from people sharing your content on Social Media channels contribute to building trust and customer loyalty, pushing brand awareness and exposure, all of which indirectly helps boost your online visibility and traffic.


Social Media helps SEO in irregular manners. According to Moz’s Dr Peter Myers “Not only does sharing content on your social media channels help engagement on those platforms, but it also helps bring visitors to your website, which boosts your site’s visibility.”

Improving SEO Content

Social Interaction data can also help you improve your SEO Content. Click through rates in the Search Engine Results Pages, bounce rates, time on the page and time on the site are all signals of interaction data that search engines use to rank content.  You can improve these data metrics by testing and measuring interactions on social media.

Wes Marsh of BCA Technologies says to “find the social media posts that get the best engagement and use those insights to structure your page titles and descriptions in a similar way. If people are clicking on a post via social media, they will also be likely to click on that article when they see it on a SERP.”

Josh Brown of Helpjuice agrees that you should “use social interaction data to improve your SEO title and meta description,” but says you can also “use it to determine what topic clusters you should be building out.”

“The goal of SEO isn’t to generate organic traffic; it’s to generate relevant traffic so as to increase conversions. Knowing what content users engage with allows you to do this,” Brown says.

This video shows us a look behind the scenes.

For an in depth overview, check this article out by Search Engine Journal.

This blog was written by Naina R. Ingleshwar