Introduction: The Great Debate In the vast universe of website builders, two names are always contending: Wix or WordPress. Both platforms boast millions of users worldwide, each claiming its own set of advantages and features. […]
In digital marketing, staying ahead of the curve in terms of site optimization and great content makes a webmaster most successful nowadays. A website platform is needed whenever it comes to display web content to […]
Visual Content marketing is the creation of educational or entertainment material using images, videos, infographics, etc. for your marketing campaigns. Visual Content marketing strategy helps to create content that appeals to the sense of sight, […]
Historical optimization in simple words- “Update, tweak, refresh your old content as new trends to generate more traffic and new leads”. HubSpot’s Pamela Vaughan introduced us to SEO update. In her blog post, she shared […]
The most updated statistic shows that around 27% of the WEB (as of the end of 2016) are powered by WordPress with over 500 sites being created daily. More than 770 million posts were published […]